Internationaux de France Mid-Amateurs Dames

begins 19/04/2024 ends 21/04/2024 - GRAND SAINT-EMILIONNAIS GOLF CLUB language.en

Official entry list

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  Enrollment date tri Index Last name First name Hcp at 19/03/2024 Enrollment date
1 2024-03-16 22:52:28 -3.3 STEIN Pauline +3.3 16/03/24
2 2024-02-28 12:03:15 -2.8 COLLENOT Pauline +2.8 28/02/24
3 2024-01-30 10:43:38 -2.4 CAPPELIEZ Mathilda +2.4 30/01/24
4 2024-03-19 13:50:48 -2.4 GUILLEUX Charlotte +2.4 19/03/24
5 2024-03-11 14:57:30 -1.6 GOUIN-PETIT Perrine +1.6 11/03/24
6 2024-03-06 17:58:17 -1.2 BUNEL Charlotte +1.2 06/03/24
7 2024-02-25 22:31:15 -1.1 MALVY Helene +1.1 25/02/24
8 2024-02-21 09:20:45 -0.6 BOUILLONNEC Benjamine +0.6 21/02/24
9 2024-03-09 12:26:40 0.1 LARRETCHE Amandine 0.1 09/03/24
10 2024-03-01 13:59:46 1 BRUDIEUX Delphine 1 01/03/24
11 2024-02-17 19:35:48 3.3 PONTABRY Fanny 3.3 17/02/24
12 2024-02-16 12:05:33 3.4 COLLET Isabelle 3.4 16/02/24
13 2024-02-25 18:57:00 3.8 PERRIN Fabiola 3.8 25/02/24